Daily Energy Report
OPEC production, Japan LNG imports, OPEC oil cuts, China sputters, Trump may sanction Iran, Fuel smuggling, Aramco ‘realistic green’ policies, China mineral export ban, Sabotage danger, and more.
Chart of the Day: OPEC Production Increased in November
OPEC crude oil production increased in November for the second month in a row as shown in Figure (1). November production is back where it was in November 2023 and where it was this past summer.
EOA’s Main Takeaway
Reuters published this story this morning: OPEC Oil Output Rises in November as Libya Recovers, Survey Finds
Our readers were a day ahead of the curve. We focused on this increase yesterday when we talked about OPEC+ and showed an increase in the exports of Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, and Nigeria while exports of Iraq declined, reflecting changes in production accordingly.